International ISO 3601 Metric O-Rings

The original product and technical standard for metric o-rings was DIN 3771. In 2010, the ISO 3601 standards replaced DIN 3771 and became the latest implementation standard for metric o-rings. They are issued and approved by the SC7 Sealing Devices Subcommittee of the ISO/TC131 Technical Committee on Fluid Power Systems. China’s national standard, the GB/T 3452 series of standards, is equivalent to the ISO 3601 standard.

Savvy is a leading China o-ring manufacturer with many standard molds (tools) and a large stock of metric o-rings. Combined with our Material Spec Sheet, Hardness Spec Sheet, and Groove Size Chart, you can quickly select and find the best metric o-rings for your equipment use from the following ISO 3601 O-Ring Size Chart. If not found, we can also manufacture custom metric o-rings, like most miniature metric o-rings (CS 0.5mm), for you quickly.

ISO 3601-1: Dimensional Tolerances

ISO 3601-1 specifies the inside diameters, cross-sections, tolerances, and designation codes for imperial and metric o-rings used in fluid power systems for general industrial and aerospace applications. The dimensions and tolerances specified in ISO 3601-1 are suitable for any elastomeric material, e.g., NBR, HNBR, Silicone, EPDM, FKM, FFKM, FVMQ, PU, PTFE, etc., provided that suitable tooling is available.o

ISO 3601-3: Quality Acceptance Criteria

ISO 3601-3 lays down the quality acceptance criteria for o-rings used in fluid systems. It also defines and classifies surface imperfections on o-rings and specifies maximum acceptable limits for these imperfections. This part is also applicable to o-rings used in aerospace construction. There are three grades (N, S, CS) for defects identification on the sides of appearance, surface, and flash.

Grade N (general purpose) identifies acceptance criteria for O-rings intended for general use.

Grade S (special) identifies acceptance criteria for O-rings intended for applications requiring a higher level of quality and/or precision with respect to dimensional tolerances of surface imperfections. For example, aerospace, critical industrial, or automotive applications are covered by this grade.

Grade CS (critical service) identifies acceptance criteria for O-rings intended for applications requiring a much higher level of quality and/or precision with respect to dimensional tolerances of surface imperfections. For example, critical service aerospace or medical applications, where the surface of the O-ring must be near-perfect to perform in a satisfactory manner, are covered by this grade.

ISO 3601 O-Ring Size Chart

The ISO 3601 O-Ring Size Chart is divided into two parts: Class A and Class B. Class A corresponds to the current format of the American standard AS568 (excluding dash 900 series). Class B is divided into four groups (A-E), all of which are international standard metric o-rings, and these sizes are commonly used worldwide. The table specifies the ID (inside diameter), CS (cross section), and reference size identification code (Ref.) for all standard metric o-rings.


Group A
Ref. ID (mm) CS (mm)
A0018 1.80 1.80
A0020 2.00 1.80
A0024 2.24 1.80
A0025 2.50 1.80
A0028 2.80 1.80
A0032 3.15 1.80
A0036 3.55 1.80
A0038 3.75 1.80
A0040 4.00 1.80
A0045 4.50 1.80
A0049 4.87 1.80
A0050 5.00 1.80
A0052 5.15 1.80
A0053 5.30 1.80
A0056 5.60 1.80
A0060 6.00 1.80
A0063 6.30 1.80
A0067 6.70 1.80
A0079 6.90 1.80
A0071 7.10 1.80
A0075 7.50 1.80
A0080 8.00 1.80
A0085 8.50 1.80
A0088 8.75 1.80
A0090 9.00 1.80
A0095 9.50 1.80
A0100 10.00 1.80
A0106 10.60 1.80
A0112 11.20 1.80
A0118 11.80 1.80
A0125 12.50 1.80
A0132 13.20 1.80
A0140 14.00 1.80
A0150 15.00 1.80
A0160 16.00 1.80
A0170 17.00 1.80
A0180 18.00 1.80
A0190 19.00 1.80
A0200 20.00 1.80
A0212 21.20 1.80
A0224 22.40 1.80
A0236 23.60 1.80
A0250 25.00 1.80
A0258 25.80 1.80
A0265 26.50 1.80
A0280 28.00 1.80
A0300 30.00 1.80
A0315 31.50 1.80
A0325 32.50 1.80
A0335 33.50 1.80
A0345 34.50 1.80
A0355 35.50 1.80
A0365 36.50 1.80
A0375 37.50 1.80
A0380 38.70 1.80
A0400 40.00 1.80
A0412 41.20 1.80
A0425 42.50 1.80
A0437 43.70 1.80
A0450 45.00 1.80
A0475 47.50 1.80
A0500 50.00 1.80
A0530 53.00 1.80
A0560 56.00 1.80
A0600 60.00 1.80
A0630 63.00 1.80
A0670 67.00 1.80
A0710 71.00 1.80
A0750 75.00 1.80
A0800 80.00 1.80
A0850 85.00 1.80
A0900 90.00 1.80
A0950 95.00 1.80
A1000 100.00 1.80
A1060 106.00 1.80
A1120 112.00 1.80
A1180 118.00 1.80
A1250 125.00 1.80
Group B
Ref. ID (mm) CS (mm)
B0045 4.50 2.65
B0053 5.30 2.65
B0060 6.00 2.65
B0069 6.90 2.65
B0080 8.00 2.65
B0090 9.00 2.65
B0095 9.50 2.65
B0100 10.00 2.65
B0106 10.60 2.65
B0112 11.20 2.65
B0118 11.80 2.65
B0125 12.50 2.65
B0132 13.20 2.65
B0140 14.00 2.65
B0150 15.00 2.65
B0160 16.00 2.65
B0170 17.00 2.65
B0180 18.00 2.65
B0190 19.00 2.65
B0200 20.00 2.65
B0212 21.20 2.65
B0224 22.40 2.65
B0236 23.60 2.65
B0250 25.00 2.65
B0258 25.80 2.65
B0265 26.50 2.65
B0280 28.00 2.65
B0300 30.00 2.65
B0315 31.50 2.65
B0325 32.50 2.65
B0335 33.50 2.65
B0345 34.50 2.65
B0355 35.50 2.65
B0365 36.50 2.65
B0375 37.50 2.65
B0387 38.70 2.65
B0400 40.00 2.65
B0412 41.20 2.65
B0425 42.50 2.65
B0437 43.70 2.65
B0450 45.00 2.65
B0462 46.20 2.65
B0475 47.50 2.65
B0487 48.70 2.65
B0500 50.00 2.65
B0515 51.50 2.65
B0530 53.00 2.65
B0545 54.50 2.65
B0560 56.00 2.65
B0580 58.00 2.65
B0600 60.00 2.65
B0615 61.50 2.65
B0630 63.00 2.65
B0650 65.00 2.65
B0670 67.00 2.65
B0690 69.00 2.65
B0710 71.00 2.65
B0730 73.00 2.65
B0750 75.00 2.65
B0800 80.00 2.65
B0850 85.00 2.65
B0900 90.00 2.65
B0950 95.00 2.65
B1000 100.00 2.65
B1060 106.00 2.65
B1120 112.00 2.65
B1180 118.00 2.65
B1250 125.00 2.65
B1320 132.00 2.65
B1400 140.00 2.65
B1500 150.00 2.65
B1600 160.00 2.65
B1700 170.00 2.65
B1800 180.00 2.65
B1900 190.00 2.65
B2000 200.00 2.65
B2120 212.00 2.65
B2240 224.00 2.65
B2300 230.00 2.65
B2360 236.00 2.65
B2430 243.00 2.65
B2500 250.00 2.65
Group C
Ref. ID (mm) CS (mm)
C0140 14.00 3.55
C0150 15.00 3.55
C0160 16.00 3.55
C0170 17.00 3.55
C0180 18.00 3.55
C0190 19.00 3.55
C0200 20.00 3.55
C0212 21.20 3.55
C0224 22.40 3.55
C0236 23.60 3.55
C0250 25.00 3.55
C0258 25.80 3.55
C0265 26.50 3.55
C0280 28.00 3.55
C0300 30.00 3.55
C0315 31.50 3.55
C0325 32.50 3.55
C0335 33.50 3.55
C0345 34.50 3.55
C0355 35.50 3.55
C0365 36.50 3.55
C0375 37.50 3.55
C0387 38.70 3.55
C0400 40.00 3.55
C0412 41.20 3.55
C0425 42.50 3.55
C0437 43.70 3.55
C0450 45.00 3.55
C0462 46.20 3.55
C0475 47.50 3.55
C0487 48.70 3.55
C0500 50.00 3.55
C0515 51.50 3.55
C0530 53.00 3.55
C0545 54.50 3.55
C0560 56.00 3.55
C0580 58.00 3.55
C0600 60.00 3.55
C0615 61.50 3.55
C0630 63.00 3.55
C0650 65.00 3.55
C0670 67.00 3.55
C0690 69.00 3.55
C0710 71.00 3.55
C0730 73.00 3.55
C0750 75.00 3.55
C0775 77.00 3.55
C0800 80.00 3.55
C0825 82.50 3.55
C0850 85.00 3.55
C0875 87.50 3.55
C0900 90.00 3.55
C0925 92.50 3.55
C0950 95.00 3.55
C0975 97.50 3.55
C1000 100.00 3.55
C1030 103.00 3.55
C1060 106.00 3.55
C1090 109.00 3.55
C1120 112.00 3.55
C1150 115.00 3.55
C1180 118.00 3.55
C1220 122.00 3.55
C1250 125.00 3.55
C1280 128.00 3.55
C1320 132.00 3.55
C1360 136.00 3.55
C1400 140.00 3.55
C1450 145.00 3.55
C1500 150.00 3.55
C1550 155.00 3.55
C1600 160.00 3.55
C1650 165.00 3.55
C1700 170.00 3.55
C1750 175.00 3.55
C1800 180.00 3.55
C1850 185.00 3.55
C1900 190.00 3.55
C1950 195.00 3.55
C2000 200.00 3.55
C2120 212.00 3.55
C2180 218.00 3.55
C2240 224.00 3.55
C2300 230.00 3.55
C2360 236.00 3.55
C2500 250.00 3.55
C2580 258.00 3.55
C2650 265.00 3.55
C2800 280.00 3.55
C2900 290.00 3.55
C3000 300.00 3.55
C3070 307.00 3.55
C3150 315.00 3.55
C3350 335.00 3.55
C3550 355.00 3.55
Group D
Ref. ID (mm) CS (mm)
D0375 37.50 5.30
D0387 38.70 5.30
D0400 40.00 5.30
D0412 41.20 5.30
D0425 42.50 5.30
D0437 43.70 5.30
D0450 45.00 5.30
D0462 46.20 5.30
D0475 47.50 5.30
D0487 48.70 5.30
D0500 50.00 5.30
D0515 51.50 5.30
D0530 53.00 5.30
D0545 54.50 5.30
D0560 56.00 5.30
D0580 58.00 5.30
D0600 60.00 5.30
D0615 61.50 5.30
D0630 63.00 5.30
D0650 65.00 5.30
D0670 67.00 5.30
D0690 69.00 5.30
D0710 71.00 5.30
D0730 73.00 5.30
D0750 75.00 5.30
D0775 77.50 5.30
D0800 80.00 5.30
D0825 82.50 5.30
D0850 85.00 5.30
D0875 87.50 5.30
D0900 90.00 5.30
D0925 92.50 5.30
D0950 95.00 5.30
D0975 97.50 5.30
D1000 100.00 5.30
D1030 103.00 5.30
D1060 106.00 5.30
D1090 109.00 5.30
D1120 112.00 5.30
D1150 115.00 5.30
D1180 118.00 5.30
D1220 122.00 5.30
D1250 125.00 5.30
D1280 128.00 5.30
D1320 132.00 5.30
D1360 136.00 5.30
D1400 140.00 5.30
D1450 145.00 5.30
D1500 150.00 5.30
D1550 155.00 5.30
D1600 160.00 5.30
D1650 165.00 5.30
D1700 170.00 5.30
D1750 175.00 5.30
D1800 180.00 5.30
D1850 185.00 5.30
D1900 190.00 5.30
D1950 195.00 5.30
D2000 200.00 5.30
Group E
Ref. ID (mm) CS (mm)
E1090 109.00 7.00
E1120 112.00 7.00
E1150 115.00 7.00
E1180 118.00 7.00
E1220 122.00 7.00
E1250 125.00 7.00
E1280 128.00 7.00
E1320 132.00 7.00
E1360 136.00 7.00
E1400 140.00 7.00
E1450 145.00 7.00
E1500 150.00 7.00
E1550 155.00 7.00
E1600 160.00 7.00
E1650 165.00 7.00
E1700 170.00 7.00
E1750 175.00 7.00
E1800 180.00 7.00
E1850 185.00 7.00
E1900 190.00 7.00
E1950 195.00 7.00
E2000 200.00 7.00
E2060 206.00 7.00
E2120 212.00 7.00
E2180 218.00 7.00
E2240 224.00 7.00
E2300 230.00 7.00
E2360 236.00 7.00
E2430 243.00 7.00
E2500 250.00 7.00
E2580 258.00 7.00
E2650 265.00 7.00
E2720 272.00 7.00
E2800 280.00 7.00
E2900 290.00 7.00
E3000 300.00 7.00
E3070 307.00 7.00
E3150 315.00 7.00
E3250 325.00 7.00
E3350 335.00 7.00
E3450 345.00 7.00
E3550 355.00 7.00
E3650 365.00 7.00
E3750 375.00 7.00
E3870 387.00 7.00
E4000 400.00 7.00
E4120 412.00 7.00
E4250 425.00 7.00
E4370 437.00 7.00
E4500 450.00 7.00
E4620 462.00 7.00
E4750 475.00 7.00
E4870 487.00 7.00
E5000 500.00 7.00
E5150 515.00 7.00
E5300 530.00 7.00
E5450 545.00 7.00
E5600 560.00 7.00
E5800 580.00 7.00
E6000 600.00 7.00
E6150 615.00 7.00
E6300 630.00 7.00
E6500 650.00 7.00
E6700 670.00 7.00

Download the printable PDF ISO 3601 O-Ring Size Chart by clicking the above button. If you need our Excel version, please send an email to [email protected].

O-Ring Size Measurement Specifications

To measure an o-ring, you can just measure its inside diameter (ID) and cross section (CS) (also call width or thickness). The outside diameter (OD) can be known according to the formula: OD = ID + CS*2. The above JIS B 2401 O-Ring Size Chart only shows the size number, ID and CS. These full specifications are for your fast-looking up and comparison.